Friday, September 21, 2007

And now for some Motivation

Have decided to join the gym, around the corner, for the discount rate of E300 for a year. I tried for a 6 month commitment, but the deal isn't offered for that. So we'll just see.

It's been a process of elimination: can't attend a course with regular hours, as Leathermanman's shifts change, and then every month or so, we'll want to go away for a week. Needs to be vigourous, to give me a place to vent frustration, sweat, go hard, move fast. Oh and if I could lose the weight I gained in my stressful job earlier this year, that'd be great too. Can't attend classes, should be cheap because of all our other expenses. So. Here tis.

Very exciting to start, feels like I'll be able to take this seriously here, while I'm not working or studying or what. My own little thing to commit to. Better than just being there for everyone all the time. Much.

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