Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Tyranny of Dinner

In a week of atrocious sleeps, sick children, wild cold winter rain storms, and school stop work meetings, I'm finding the jump from one role to another almost impossible. The brain cells do not seem to absorb the language of the graduate school right now and none of my previous jobs seems to have gone elsewhere - see title.

I realise how much I've been wanting things to change as I stand in front of the fridge, with the need to produce dinner for the family, at about 5pm every evening. Wonder what would happen if I just did not do anything about it at that time of day? Sick of it being my responsibility every single day...

That said, the subjects I've got are THE reason for doing the Masters in the first place: Change Management, Leadership and Knowledge Management, all three of long-term interest, since Corporate Vision days. Maybe I'll get to use some of the old stuff; academic referencing could be a problem, with so much change since then!

This too will pass, this too will change, as I stop being around quite as much. Oh patience. Right now, maybe a good sleep would brace me better. It is Week One as a graduate student, part time mum again. Does 'mum' get to be a part time role I wonder?

1 comment:

Sirmelja said...

Hi A, yes I know I'm not a mom myself, but I'm pretty sure it never turns into a part-time gig :-) You just get the joy-filled opportunity to be both a full-time student AND and full-time mom! :-)