Saturday, October 27, 2007

I believe in this life, everything is possible..

...sang the entire contents of the Cork Opera House, along with Amp Fiddler, during Cork Jazz Festival.

We had visitors in town, Stockbrokerman and his new gal from London, keen to show off eachother and their entirely free, financial wellbeing. We took them to all sorts of gigs, not jazz, but part of the Festival nonetheless. What a venue Cypress Avenue is - Vivienne Long, you rock!

Then to Amp Fiddler, in the Opera House. A Detroit man from the funk'n line, got us on our feet, singin and dancin. The singing is no surprise in Ireland, the dancing is: it's a reserved place, really that way.

And then to the finale: EVERYONE sang that line, over and over, until we all could think nothing else, believe nothing else. A crowd, on key, anthemic. Transformational.

So ends a month of visitors into our wee shoebox every weekend. Great times. Mon-Wed: I rearrange, tidy, wash. Thursday: shop. Friday collect next visitor from airport, away we go again! To walk Cork, see the shop streets (disappointing to most our visitors, thrillingly fresh to most Corkonians, who remember the bad old days, 10 years ago.)

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