Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Look of the Irish 2

What's with the fake tans, heavy fake tans? Someone said tanarexia to me, I knew just what it was immediately now!

The cheap tracksuits, the tonnes of makeup, the dreadful shoes, the completely too-cold clothes, the stretched-flat and tortured hair. They end up looking all a bit the same. There's a strange aesthetic among the girls, from about 15-25 here - looks cheap and slutty to me, not even stylish-slut. And yet, there's so much of it out there, they must love it. Is it just Cork?

In a rare escape to a pub in the evening, we walk home, in our jeans, boots, yes lipstick and perfume, coats and scarves. And encounter girls in way too short skirts, way too high heels, no sleeves, falling in and out of the pubs off Oliver Plunkett on the way home.

We didn't even do that when we were in our 20s: me in Sydney, she in Munich. We're cousins, so maybe there's something of a family value set after all. We were just glad of our good sense. And we were chatted up in Crane Lane, by a French man then, who thought VERY highly of her marvellous profile! Off to Paris modelling for her, he said.

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